Vegan Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble
Servings Prep Time
8people 15mins
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
8people 15mins
Cook Time
fruit filling
oat crumble top
  1. Preheat oven to 375F
  2. Mix fruit filling ingredients in a bowl, and then pour into a large pie plate or 9X13 baking tray
  3. Mix the dry crumble top ingredients, and then mix in the melted coconut oil and vegan butter. Mixture should resemble tiny oatmeal cookies. (yum)
  4. Pour crumble top over fruit mixture and bake for 45 mins until fruit is bubbling and topping is crisp
  5. Serve with vegan ice cream or coconut cream, or just on it’s own. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes

This is NOT a low sugar recipe, but it is delicious. Enjoy a small portion if you are watching your sugar intake.